Start Hair Business In Zambia | Things Hair Vendors Must Know | CYhair Factory

The hair market in Zambia is currently very active. The demand for this item is increasing, this is also a great opportunity for those who want to enter the business in this field.

Besides the opportunities, there are still challenges. Hair traders are easily caught in the problem of importing poor quality hair products from unknown sources, which causes many difficulties and obstacles for traders.
CYhair will show you how to easily start a hair business without worrying about import issues.

Looking for a reputable hair supplier for hair business in Zambia

What do you need to know about Vietnamese Hair Vendors ? Top 5 Best Vietnam Hair Wholesale

How to import hair from Vietnam?

Vietnamese Hair Vendors
Vietnamese Hair Vendors

1st Step: Searching Online | Start Hair Business In Zambia | Things Hair Vendors Must Know

With the 4.0 era, finding reputable hair agents is very easy. You can search Google, Facebook, Instagram,… or other social platforms.


2nd Step: Contacting Company | Start Hair Business In Zambia | Things Hair Vendors Must Know

While you can find hair suppliers easily over the Internet, this does not guarantee that they are not scammers. So to be more sure, you need to contact the hair company directly to get more information about them.


3rd Step. Making Order And Payment | Start Hair Business In Zambia | Things Hair Vendors Must Know

The next important step is to making order. Before making an order, you need to clearly understand the product you want to buy, then specify the product features you need such as length, color, quality, …


Order And Payment

1st Step: Selecting Order List

Vietnamese Hair Review

The first step you need to do is to consult the hair features that you want to buy from the supplier you have chosen such as color, quality, length, …

2nd Step: Confirming On The Invoice

After sending the order list to the seller, they will make an invoice for you. What you need to do is confirm the information in the invoice such as quantity, type of goods, cost, …

3rd Step: Picking a Suitable Payment Method

The third step, you need to choose the payment method that is right for you. You can choose Western Union, Visa, Bank Transfer,…

4th Step: Making Payment

Hair Business
Hair Business

After that, you can pay online or you can search for a nearby bank to make the payment.

5th Step: Showing Payment Proof

To ensure that you have made a successful payment, send proof of payment to the salesmans and they will process the order for you.

6th Step: Starting Production

In the final step, the factory will proceed to produce the product for you. You just need to monitor this progress on time.

Shipping Process

CYhair - Shipping
CYhair – Shipping


1st Step: Shipping to UPS, DHL warehouse

2nd Step: Making documentary and scanning.

3rd Step: Finishing and getting tracking code.

4th Step: Delivering (5-7 days)

5th Step: Receiving hair products at your front door.


If you are still confused in choosing a reputable hair supplier to start your hair business, then CYhair is the right choice. Our team will always be ready to support you 24/ 7 to answer all your questions.

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5 thoughts on “Start Hair Business In Zambia | Things Hair Vendors Must Know

  1. Pingback: How To Buy Hair From Vietnam – South Africa Hair Vendors Should Know

  2. Pingback: What do you need to know about Vietnamese Hair Factory? Top 5 Best Vietnam Hair Wholesale

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